勇士之心. Your campus experience may only last a few years, but your connection to Southern Wesleyan can last a lifetime. Stay connected to SWU through events, publications, and social media.

The faith-filled community at SWU is comprised of students, faculty and staff who are passionate about learning and growing, both inside and outside of the classroom.



This website is intended to represent accurately the academic programs, policies and personal expectations of the university for the academic year. 然而, 课程和财务费用的常规变化可能会发生,并将适用于学年. 由于大学保留撤销或增加课程以及进行其他必要更改的权利,因此本网站仅供参考,并非学生与大学之间不可撤销的合同. 对于无意的错误或指导教师与公布的要求相反的陈述,学校不承担任何责任.

Advertising Cookies

As you browse our website, 广告cookie可能会放置在您的计算机上,以便我们能够了解您感兴趣的内容.

cookie是由web服务器发送给web浏览器并由浏览器存储的包含标识符(由字母和数字组成的字符串)的文件. 我们的饼干  收集您的姓名、电子邮件地址、通讯地址或电话号码等个人信息. 然而, 我们存储的有关您的个人信息可能会链接到存储在cookie中并从中获取的信息.

cookie可能是“持久”cookie或“会话”cookie:持久cookie将由web浏览器存储,并将保持有效,直到其设定的到期日期, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, 另一方面, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • 身份验证: to identify you when you visit our website and as you navigate our website
  • 安全: to protect user accounts, including preventing fraudulent use of login credentials, and to protect our website and services generally
  • 广告: to help us display advertisements that will be relevant to you, including remarketing
  • 分析: to analyze the use and performance of our website and services

你可以浏览 Digital Advertising Alliance to identify and opt out of cookie-based targeted advertising. Alternatively, you can opt out of third-party cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

除了, 您的浏览器或设备可能提供设置,允许您选择是否设置和删除浏览器cookie. 有关这些控件的详细信息,请访问浏览器或设备的帮助材料.

Cookies Used by 我们的 Service Providers

We use Google Analytics. b谷歌Analytics cookie收集的与我们网站有关的信息用于创建关于我们网站使用情况的报告. Google's privacy policy is available at: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.

We use Google AdWords. b谷歌AdWords cookie收集的信息用于根据您的兴趣为您提供相关广告, as determined by your use of our website and other websites across the web. You can opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting Google's 广告设置.

We use Facebook Advertising. Facebook cookie收集的信息用于根据您对我们网站的兴趣和使用情况向您提供相关广告. 你可以选择不看Facebook和其他参与公司的基于兴趣的在线广告 Digital Advertising Alliance 在美国, Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada 在加拿大,或者 European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance 在欧洲 


Southern Wesleyan University Notification of Rights under FERPA

1974年的《十大正规网赌网址欢迎您》(FERPA)是一部联邦法律,由美国家庭政策合规办公室执行.S. Department of Education.  20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99.  FERPA applies to educational institutions that receive any federal funding.  Southern Wesleyan University (SWU) is subject to FERPA.

The student’s education record is maintained in the Office of Academic Records.  FERPA为符合条件的学生提供有关其教育记录的某些权利.  “合资格学生”是指年满18岁或就读于高等教育机构的学生.  教育记录是包含与学生直接相关的信息的记录,由大学或代表大学的一方维护.  FERPA rights include:

  1. 正规彩票十大网站排名有权在收到学生申请后45天内检查和审查学生的教育记录.  大学将安排查阅记录,并将这些安排通知学生.  学生将被要求出示身份证明以查阅记录. 
  2. The right to challenge, 以书面形式, 学生认为教育记录的内容不准确的, 误导, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.  如果质疑的结果令学生不满意,学生将获得听证会.  如果学生认为听证结果不令人满意,学生可以提交解释性陈述,以便将其纳入教育记录.
  3. 有权防止披露学生的教育记录,除非FERPA授权在未经学生同意的情况下披露.  A student’s education record may be released without the student’s written consent:
    • 具有合法教育利益的学校官员:学校官员是为了履行其对正规彩票十大网站排名的专业责任而有合法需要审查教育记录的个人;
    • 提供给正规彩票十大网站排名认可的为正规彩票十大网站排名提供机构服务或职能的第三方;
    • 致该学生拟入读或拟入读的另一所专上院校的官员;
    • in response to a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
    • to authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U. S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local educational authorities, 例如,负责监督大学国家支持的教育项目的州高等教育机构;
    • 与学生已申请或已收到的经济资助有关;
    • 根据《十大正规网赌网址欢迎您》第152条的定义,如果学生是受抚养人,则向符合条件的学生的父母提供;
    • to appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency;
    • 被发现违反任何联邦法律的21岁以下学生的父母, 状态, 或者当地法律, or of any rule or policy of SWU, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance;
    • 当需要目录信息时:正规彩票十大网站排名的目录信息包括学生的姓名, local and permanent address, 电话号码, SWU邮件, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards (including scholarships) received, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of an athletic team.
  1. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. 就大学未能遵守FERPA的要求向教育部提出申诉.

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20202


学生可以通过提交学术记录办公室提供的保密表格来拒绝披露目录信息.  Written requests for non-disclosure will be honored for a maximum of one year.  In the absence of a non-disclosure form, SWU may release directory information about a student accordingly.